THANK YOU 💕💕” MacLarens vet bills at Guardian for her hospital stay and surgery exceeded $10,000. One has 9 stitches 🥺 I’m keeping a close eye on this but she seems to be healing well 🤞🏽 All this to say - I’ve been fostering for a few years, and it never ceases to amaze me how this team changes lives.

Once received, we will review and process your application within 7-10 business days. Below you will find the links to our applications.

She’s a different puppy - full of energy and LIFE 💕💕 She is playful, bitey, barkey, and all the things that a puppy should be! She has 2 incisions. This is when we cant take your pet, but we will showcase it on our Facebook and website to help get it exposure. Adopt Your Best Friend Thank you for your interest in adopting through NYC Second Chance Rescue. They weren’t able to tell what punctured her lung and said it may have been a porcupine quill! I was able to pick her up on Thursday. She was there for 5 days during which Guardian diagnosed a puncture in one of her lung lobes and did surgery to remove the lobe. I picked her up from Morinville and after 3 days at my place, she was taken to Guardian Vet as she was lethargic, hadn’t eaten was vomiting, had diarrhea and had laboured breathing. Second Chance Pet Adoptions is a NO-Kill not for profit adoption organization operating in the Greater Kansas City Area. This puppy came in from High Level a week ago as one of the car litter puppies.
“Just wanted to give you all an update on MacLaren. A note from one of our foster homes about MacLaren.